[Notice] General Activity Hiatus

Hi everyone, thanks for being here for me the last few years.

I’ll get to the point here – I’m sure you all by now have noticed how sporadic and sparse the streams have been, especially since the start of this year. Unfortunately, life has pretty much taken over at this point. I am currently working in the tuition/enrichment industry in Singapore, which is notorious for being extremely demanding. Coupled with certain developments at work that have repeatedly surfaced like an unending game of whack-a-mole, I no longer have the time or headspace to stream.

I do not expect this situation to improve any time soon, as my students have major exams coming up. I have been spending my after-hours marking scripts, settling administrative work, and prioritising myself. Just keeping up my energy levels in my classes is a herculean task in itself, let alone streaming.

This is not goodbye, not by any means. Everything stays up and I’ll still come here to slack. I expect things to let up somewhat after September. Upon the cessation of my existing contractual obligations next year (around Q2 2025), I will try to get back on track everything here that has come to a screeching halt since last year.

I appreciate you all who have taken time to read this. Thank you for your support.


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