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Woman With a Trolley – A short story

I press through the drought that is my inspiration and finish a story from June 2021 about[…]

The Last Day of 2022

Well, we are at the final day of the year, and I am nursing a cold. I’ll[…]

2 Years of Streaming.

25th September 2022 marked two calendar years since I first started streaming, and the birth of "Shiraga"[…]

After 2 years of no anime events

I visited two anime events after a 2-year event drought; The ODEX Film Festival Anime Matsuri (TOFF)[…]

I collected my new passport.

I collected my passport. And some other happenings for the day.

Clip Compilation 4 Out!

New compilation of clips out on Youtube.

Bubble (2022) review: Trapped by its source material

Bubble's production values are flawless, but its bubble is burst by a clear inability to move beyond[…]

I wrote a fanfic after playing Genshin Impact’s bartending event

This is actually the first time I have written any fanfic. Based off Genshin's recent bartending event.[…]

Of New Arrivals and Departures

Once in a while, the people I follow on my Twitter open up, conveying varying degrees of[…]

Is this a “blog post”?

And in 2022 when Tiktok and IG videos are longer than our attention spans, dedicating time and[…]