After 2 years of no anime events

The start of this month must have been a very auspicious day for holding anime and cosplay conventions, because for some reason the event organisers for The ODEX Film Festival Anime Matsuri (TOFF), ARTCADE, and Singapore Cosplay Club Show all decided to hold their own events concurrently. I went down to the first two events on 3rd Sept, with a friend, since I was tipped off that they were the ones with the tables.


This one was ticketed, and we bought the tickets in advance earlier that week. We queued up, showed our vaccination statuses on our TraceTogether apps, and we were in.

…after queuing for some time, but not that long. Compared to later on in the afternoon.

Anyway, we were in. It was a small event, with a stage on the side, as well as artist + cosplayer tables.

TOFF at Downtown East - 3rd Sep 2022
The event hall

I think sometime after I took the above photo, my friend asked me if I was going to post this on “my Shiraga Twitter”. I told him not to use the Forbidden Name at these events.

I went to the front where the stage was, for this short segment featuring 3 local (Singapore) vtubers in a trio called VIRUS.

Event stage at TOFF, 3rd September 2022
The event stage

The crowd was still pretty thin here. I am not sure if it’s because it’s still in the morning, or a reminder that local vtubers are pretty much still a niche within a niche. I hope the crowd swells one day. I will work as minimally hard as possible to be a part of this.

By the way, I happened to glimpse someone’s phone while in front of the stage. The screen was on a local vtuber’s Discord server that I joined.

It’s a small world.

At one of the booths I tried this gacha also, totally not because of any addiction spillover.

In the process, I apparently got… the very rare keychain. I was told there were only 5 of them.

As for how the keychain looks and all, I’ll save it to the end of the post!


I found out about ARTCADE from a few artists I followed that mentioned tabling there. Since we didn’t have anything else that day, and since we kind of were still willing to do a bit of shopping, we headed down.

The queue was LONG. Full stop.

Queue for ground floor of Artcade event
Yes, we had to queue on the ground floor.
Queue outside Artcade event hall
Followed by the actual queue to get to the hall.

Aaaaand then we were in.

Only photo I took; after that it was time for browsing

Although there were many more fan merch tables, I bought lesser items there – majority of the merch there were badges, pins, etc, which we already saw at TOFF. They aren’t the most practical items for me, compared to prints and acrylic stands. You can paste up the prints on your walls, and place the stands on your monitor or something.

Right, that’s all my sharing for the events. Here’s what you all have been waiting for, I’m sure.

The Goods

It’s nice to go back to events like this again. Though I really will not ever miss the queuing. Or jostling in crowds that come to standstills.

And with that, I think that’s all from me at this point. Till the next one! Stay strong, my wallet.

** Please inform me if I have miscredited anyone. Thank you!

Disclaimer: I went purely in the capacity of a visitor and paid for any purchases out-of-pocket. No incentive and/or remuneration was received from any event organisers or participants.

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